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The Emergance of Mahdi

The Emergance of Mahdi


In this work, Mufti Mahmud Bardoli presents the summary of extensive research that deals exclusively with authentic information detailed in the prophetic traditions concerning the emergance of al-Mahdi. He clarifies common misconceptions that abound regarding al-Mahdi. This work has been lent credence by senior scholars such as Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri and Shaykh Abu Bakr Ghazipuri.

The author, Mufti Mahmud bin Maulana Sulayman Bardoli, is a lecturer at Jamia Islamia Dabhel (India).

English translation by Abdullah Moolla

•Cover: Hardback

•Author: Mufti Mahmud Bardoli

•Publisher: Madrasah Arabia Islamia & Zam Zam Publishers

•Pages: 196

•Size: 22 x 15 cm

•Weight: 330(Gram)

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