Talkhis al-Miftah is a Dars e Nizami (Islami scholarship) textbook for students of Arabic Rhetoric (Ilm al Balagah) written by the renowned master al-Khatib al-Qazwini, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi.
About the Author :
He is Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman Jalal al-Din bin Amr al-Qazwini, al-Shafi'i, rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, and was born in 666 hijri (1268 C.E). He was known and referred to as al-Khatib al-Qazwini (as well as Khatib al-Dimishq - Preacher of Damascus). He served the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus as the Imam. He also became a prominent judge (Qadi) in Syria (al-Sham) and was later appointed the Shafi'i Chief Judge in Cairo.
Khatib al-Qazwini was considered an expert in fiqh, but was more renowned as a master in the art of discourse (rhetoric) hence his title Khatib. Besides Talkhees al Miftah (Summary of the Key) he also wrote Al-Idah (The Clarification) which is an expanded edition of the Talkhees. He was trilingual in Arabic, Persian and Turkish. He passed away in Damascus in 739 hijri (1338 C.E).