Sahih Muslim - Arabic/English - 8 Volumes Set
Sahih Muslim Arabic/English, an authentic collection of Ahadeeth, Being Traditions of the Sayings and Doings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as Narrated by his Companions and Compiled under the Title Al Jami as-Sahih, was originally compiled in Arabic by Abu’l Asakir-ud-din Muslim bin Hajjaj al-Qushayri al-Naisaburi Muslim, popularly known as Imam Muslim. He spent most of his life in learning Ahadeeth, confirming authenticity and teaching the same to others.
This is the complete 8 Volume set, coming in Deluxe Hardback Binding. It includes the original Arabic text, along with an English translation by the late Abdul Hameed Siddiqui, one of the prominent scholars. This is the first ever attempt for translating Ahadeeth collection into English, with exhaustive notes and commentary from authentic source and brief biographical sketch of Important Ahadeeth Narrators.