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Nearest Approach To The Messenger Of Allah

Nearest Approach To The Messenger Of Allah


earest Approach to the Messenger of Allah by ZamZam Publishers is a book focusing on how to attain closeness to RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) through means of Durood and adopting his blessed Sunnah.

This is an English translation of Dhari'at al-Wusul ila Janab al-Rasul by 'Allama Makhdum Muhammad Hashim al-Sindi al-Hanafi.



AuthorAllama Mukhdoom Muhammad Hashim Sindhi
TranslatorRafique Muhammad Yousuf Ludhyanvi
PublisherZam Zam Publishers
Size22.5 x 14cm
Item Weight300g
Item CategorySeerah-shama-il