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Don't Worry Be Happy

Don't Worry Be Happy


Man has to face numerous conditions in his life. Every person goes through periods of happiness to which there is no limit. Then the tables turn and the very same person goes through difficulties as if he is the only one experiencing them.
In reality, there is a lot of wisdom in these changes. Very often, they are for the progress of man and this is why he must not be vexed by them.

The occurrence and existence of conditions, situations and incidents is not an issue. What is more important is what course of action should be followed for the removal of evil conditions during such time. This is a stage when man - in most cases - resorts to inappropriate treatments and actions based on his own ideas and experiences.
Consequently, the more "medication" he take, the more his “illness" increase.

The book explain the following points for the removal of worries:
1- The means of safeguarding and protecting one's self before the arrival of worries.
2- Actions to taken at the time of misery as proven from the Quran and Hadith.
3- Fifty ta'awwudhat with a translation and explanation for protecting from all miseries of this world and the hereafter.
4- The masnun (prescribed) and reliable du'as to be made for the removal of miseries.
5- Effective amaliyyat (devotional practices) taught by the pious elders for the removal of miseries.
6- Psychological methods for freedom from miseries.
7-Ways of freedom from mental stress and tension.


Book format: Hardcover
By:Maulana Muhammed Haneef Abdul Majeed
Publisher: Dar Ul Huda Publishers / Pakistan
Language: English, Arabic
Number of pages: 544
Weight: 730g approx.
Dimensions: 22x15x3cm approx.

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