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This is the commentary of the Commentary of a very concise book of the Sciences of Hadith.

It brings the early and the later schools of the Muhaddithin together with the most accepted method of approving hadiths as well denying the rejected.


Reports & Their Paths:

The paths of a report (khabar) are either:

  • 1. without specific number
  • 2. more than two paths
  • 3. two paths
  • 4. one path


The first is the mass transmitted report (mutawatir), and conveys sure knowledge (ilm yaqini) when its conditions are met.
The second is the well known report (mashhur) and it is also called the well circulated report (mustafi) according to one opinion.
The third is the rare report (aziz). It is not the [minimal] condition for authenticity, contrary to whoever claimed it.

The fourth is the uncommon report (gharib).

All of them except for the first are solitary reports (ahad). They [these reports] encompass the accepted and the rejected since using them as evidence hinges on investigating the status of the reporters, contrary to the first category. Yet they might contain what conveys inductive knowledge with external indicators, according to the preferred opinion.

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